The mission of the Sivelkiria OS

Now that the proposed solution has been outlined, it seems appropriate to describe its main purpose.

The mission of the Sivelkiria operating system is to combine isolated digital products into a harmonious whole based on a platform that guarantees compatibility with any software solution.

This principle is best formulated as a list of basic rules for each type of stakeholder. In the Sivelkiria OS, the implementation of these rules is guaranteed by the stakeholders’ interaction scheme and the way the operating system is designed. The following is a complete list of such statements with some clarifications on how the Sivelkiria OS puts these principles into practice.

  1. The user has the right to choose the software solution that best meets their needs.
    1. Any of the modules used can be replaced with another, more suitable one, without rebuilding the solution or losing its overall functionality.
    1. Information about the functions performed by the module is easily accessible (at the API level and in the form of descriptions that are clear to the end user).
    1. The repository (market) provides the tools for testing and tracking the functionality and performance of each solution. Regular user review systems are also available.
  2. The user has the right to choose the payment method for each of the services used.
    1. The module or content can be provided either free of charge, for a fee (one-time or subscription), or in exchange for viewing ads.
    1. For a module or content that requires ad serving, there must be an alternative delivery method (paid or free) that does not involve ads. No content with irremovable ads is allowed.
  3. The user has the right to receive content in the most convenient way.
    1. Software is installed and updated transparently and easily through the main and third-party repositories. At the same time, the main repository also provides information about programs available from third-party repositories (except for internal corporate ones).
    1. The main repository is maintained to provide the most complete and up-to-date information about each of the available products. The main repository support team maintains neutrality and objectivity regarding available software products, providing non-commercial comparative information.
    1. The way in which certain content is accessed (music, video, text) does not affect the ways in which it can be used. Any program can work with supported content regardless of its origin (web, market, physical media, local disk, private protocol, etc.).
    1. Internal corporate repositories are based on the same principles as public ones. Monitoring the installation and use of software on the company’s hardware requires minimal additional effort and no additional programs.
  4. The user has the right to use the device for its intended purpose.
    1. The reaction of the modules to user actions must be acceptable. Any form of user distraction, such as annoying offers or advertising outside of the designated time and place is prohibited.
    1. Mixing advertising with targeted content is considered a violation of the development rules for this OS. Any notifications should be classified according to their content; for example, a request to provide feedback about a program joins the queue of other service requests and cannot be modal.
    1. There is a feedback system for sending and tracking complaints about unethical behavior of programs and content sources. Cases of violations of the established rules of interaction are investigated and may lead to blocking the offender until the problem is resolved.
  5. The device owner has the right to fully control it.
    1. The device owner can determine which modules are installed on the device and / or executed.
    1. The device owner can determine the purpose of each of the installed modules. The module cannot perform functions that are not defined by its prototype and it has no access to the data that is not required for it to perform its duties. The role of each module is defined clearly and unambiguously.
    1. The use of a certain module does not entail any obligation to use any other module, even if they are supplied together.
  6. The device owner has the right to make them compatible with each other.
    1. The ability to exchange any data without additional effort on the part of software developers is guaranteed by the architecture of the operating system.
    1. The operating system fully supports integration and migration of data and representations (programs, tasks, windows, multimedia) between available devices.
  7. The software developer has the right to a well-thought-out architecture.
    1. Data interfaces and modules’ prototypes allow the organization of code for reuse.
    1. The joint development of data interfaces and module prototypes by OS developers and software developers allows the development of an optimal solution in each case.
  8. The software developer has the right to use the functionality provided by the third party software.
    1. Splitting into modules eliminates the need for the developer to implement all aspects single-handedly, allowing them to focus on specific tasks.
    1. The module-based structure allows the developer to use the best existing solutions as part of their own software.
    1. The module structure is not dependent on a language or distribution method, so it can use third-party solutions in all contexts, including when it is not known which specific solution will be used.
    1. Tests and lists of supported functions are available at the main repository level. This allows modules to have preferences on what modules they can or can’t be combined with. Thus, situations can be avoided where the functionality needed by one module is not available in the linked module.
  9. The software developer has the right to make it compatible with any third-party software.
    1. Unified data exchange API ensures that data created by one system is available to any other system that supports the same data type.
    1. The maximizing of direct and reverse compatibility of data interfaces allows you to combine software developed by different people at different times.
    1. Any attempts to create an isolated environment inside Sivelkiria (i.e. by adjusting the data exchange API to a specific implementation or incomplete or non-standard implementation of interfaces that makes them incompatible with third-party software) are a violation of the terms of cooperation and are prohibited.
  10. The software publisher is entitled to receive payment when users purchase the software and/or see ads.
    1. User-friendly advertising is integrated into the operating system.
    1. The main repository support team has the competence to combat violations of the terms of cooperation, including piracy, by blocking content and third-party repositories that violate the rules.
    1. The user can choose ad placement locations, but cannot avoid ads being displayed if they are used as a payment method for the content.
  11. The software publisher has the right to save resources and reuse successful solutions.
    1. The module-based design allows using third-party components in any context. This makes it possible to focus on providing currently required development solutions and make the most of the existing software.
  12. The software publisher has the right to make the solution being developed available in as many contexts as possible.
    1. The module-based structure allows the publisher and user to implement the software wherever required, including as part of other software, and to solve problems that were not originally associated with the product design.
    1. The software distribution method facilitates compliance with licensing and payment terms, including cases of using the module as part of a third-party system.
    1. The unified API allows for creating service modules which perform some small tasks (like plugins) for any compatible program.
    1. Migration of solutions between different hardware and software platforms is supported by the operating system.
  13. The content provider has the right to provide content to the widest possible audience.
    1. The unified way to access, a certain type of content ensures that users can access it regardless of the device type or usage context.
  14. The content provider has the right to focus on providing content.
    1. The necessary software support for the content provider is limited to the transport level, because once the content enters the Sivelkiria OS, it can be used in any context. Supplying specialized software for viewing content on this platform is not required (but possible).
  15. The content provider is entitled to receive a fee for its services.
    1. Content can be provided either for free, for money, or in exchange for viewing ads.
    1. The main repository support team helps content owners and providers to protect their intellectual property, including through blocking piracy activities.
  16. Corporate users have the right to develop software privately.
    1. It is possible to create private repositories that can make software only available within the organization.
    1. Corporations that develop software for their own needs can use an API that is incompatible with publicly available APIs, if such an option is required. Corporate software can be used within the organization only.