Interacting with other systems

mounted to the computer will not disappear in the foreseeable future. In such cases, the only reasonable option is to access such objects after wrapping them into Sivelkiria interfaces, hiding the conversion.

For example, an image file received via the network will be stored as an object with additional meta information (codec, preview image cache, etc.). When uploading this object back into the network, the reverse conversion (truncation) applies.

When a disc with a traditional hierarchical file system is connected, the Sivelkiria OS can add this disc’s directory structure into the existing category structure used by the current computer. When such a disk is integrated permanently, all the necessary meta information can be cached to make using this disk as convenient as an object-oriented one.

Similarly, when accessing files located on a USB flash drive or on a remote server, the object structure of a file system can be emulated. If this is allowed for a given location (for example, for a removable disk that is used on multiple computers with different operating systems), its file system will be used to store additional files holding meta information, old versions of files, etc. If extra file storage is forbidden (e.g. in a web server’s controlled file system where extra files are not allowed), the extra information can be stored either at the session level (in RAM) or between sessions (on the local disk).

If certain actions (e.g. deleting files when connecting to a Linux system via SSH) require running processes on a remote computer, Sivelkiria will do it, but hide the details at the level of the remote file system driver. Regardless of which module provides access to files located on the SSH server, they can be deleted even if the module’s developers have never thought about supporting the SSH protocol.

Many systems support this behavior. For example, on Linux systems, it is possible to mount file system branches that belong to different devices or represent other ways of storing data in the file system (e.g. archives or drive images). Sivelkiria develops this approach, allowing you to extend it not only to the basic concepts (file, directory) but also to any data types represented by interfaces.